Whosoever doth not bear his cross and come after me, cannot be my disciple.(Luke 14:27)
These are the words of Jesus the Christ sent to save His people. The charge of Immanuel Who is God with us to give us power of unconditional love and eternal life. As part of our witness, our individual ministry, we must be cross bearers. We are our brothers keeper, we are lovers of those who would use and abuse us…our enemies. We are respecters of the family of God, our families and all people. We are the people called by the name of Christ…”Christians”. Our needs are met even before we ask. We can do all things through Christ Who strenghtens us. We can be healed, we can be comforted. We can be made complete. We can live knowing we will never be left alone or forsaken…Yes all of this is possible, but… yes “BUT” meaning there is a condition. Jesus provided enlightenment with focus on the cross. Each of us must commit to put other things behind us. We must free up our load carrying ability by dropping the things we are holding up in this world and pick up the Cross of Christ. If we don’t commit and take the responsibilities of service to man and a path to Salvation; we can not really declare ourselves as Cross Bearers!
Minister Larry “Phu Watt” Watson, President