Cross Bearers Theme for 2025: “MAKING GODLY CHOICES”

James 1:5 ” If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all liberally and without reproach, and it will be given to him”.

As the Cross Bearers Motorcycle Ministry, Inc. embarks upon its 11th year of existence, we understand that it is a worldly belief that the biblical meaning of the number 11 is associated with things that would be considered imperfect; things that are believed to coincide with a disorganization of systems and the disorder or chaos of things.
However, our ministry discredits, disregards and discards that manner of thought completely. We prefer to think of the 11th year of our ministry of service as it references to “our ability to be objective as well as the manner in which we are subjected to and how we react to life events”. We truly believe that in 2025 there will be significant challenges. However, we also believe that it is our faith in God and how we enter through the doorway of choices that will determine the purity of the outcome. The decisions that we make for GOD will determine the purity and the gravity of the final outcome. The ministry must continue to “Make Godly Choices” by being led by the Holy Spirit and not being led by individuals or influenced by the world! We all make choices!

The Three Cs of Christianity-CHRIST, CROSS and CHURCH

The first C of Christianity is “CHRIST”. Jesus Christ is what the Bible is all about. In the Old Testament the writers describe how God created the world and that His Son, Jesus was to come into it. They also explained why Jesus had to come to this world, and take on human form, to rectify Adam’s sin. Sins which caused the human race to weaken and be subject to sinfulness and condemnation.

With the writing of the New Testament, the Bible has documentation which describes Jesus birth, His teachings, His ministry, His death and His resurrection. His followers recorded the beginnings of the “Church” which He established as well as the remaining teachings that He provided to His Apostles. But Christ is certainly the core subject of the Bible, and His person as well as His identity, is the hinge upon which the whole of biblical history hangs.

According to Jesus and the Bible, there are only two camps in this world: *Those who believe that He is the divine Messiah, the one and only Son of God and *Those who do not believe this.

“He who is not with Me is against Me”- Luke 11:23

The Second C in Christianity Stands for the “CROSS” This is why Jesus said He came. In Matthew 16:21 it says: 

“From that time Jesus began to show His disciples that He must go to Jerusalem, and suffer many things from the elders and chief priests and scribes, and be killed, and be raised up on the third day”.

The fact that Christ died on the cross, however, transforms our faith into the only solution to the universal problem that we have with sin. That solution is that: *The Cross wipes away our sins and we are no longer responsible for our moral debt before God; the debt is “Paid in Full”- at the cross. *The Cross also satisfies God’s demand that we be righteous, because God now confers upon us the righteousness (or the perfection) of Christ; because of the cross. *The Cross absolves us of our punishment simply because Jesus suffered the punishment that was supposed to be ours on Calvary and that punishment was certain death. *The Cross also brings us peace. Since God forgives us, we can forgive ourselves and we can then forgive others. *Finally, the Cross gives us hope; hope that no matter what happens in this life, the Cross reassures us that we can look forward with confidence to heaven and eternity.

The Third “C” in Christianity Stands for the “CHURCH”.

There are some who say that they don’t need the Church in order to have a relationship with God. For them to say this is like saying that we don’t need to have a physical body in order to have a relationship with our heads. That’s because the Bible teaches us that the Church is the body of Christ and that He is the head. Colossians 1:18 says:

“He is also head of the body, the church; and He is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead, so that He Himself will come to have first place in everything”.

In the same manner, a mere finger cannot have a relationship with our heads without the rest of our body. Therefore, individual believers cannot possibly have a relationship with Christ without being connected in some way to the rest of His body, which is the Church. Fact is that Jesus died on the cross for the specific reason of creating a group of people who were saved and that group of people that were saved by Jesus is called the Church. In turn, the Church is that instrument that God uses to preserve the truth of the Gospel, which is the “Good News” and to spread that “Good News” about the Cross and what it means to all men and women. Unfortunately, those individuals that are not a part of the body of Christ, the Church; simply cannot be connected to the head which is Christ Himself. This means that they do not have access to His Cross nor do they have access to the forgiveness it provides. To be totally honest, being a Christian is not simple or easy because there is a constant worldly struggle going on. But in order for us to make it through we all need to be dedicated to Christ and we need to have a strong and unwavering perseverance in our faith.

Godly Wisdom For Our Decisions

When we’re facing a decision
And we’re feeling so unsure,
We need to pray for godly guidance
And the wisdom of the Lord

We need to wait with confidence
That God will show the way
And open doors we must go through,
Giving peace when we pray

Show us your ways, O Lord,
And where we need to walk
Guide us to where you want us,
Help us pray as we ought

Equip us with power and strength
To tread upon new ground,
To go where we’ve not been before
Where your blessings shall abound

For we shall never know how much
You long to bless our lives
Unless we take that step of faith
And follow the steps of Christ

To be where we can grow in you
And become more mature in faith,
To live in the wisdom that you’ve given,
To be immersed in your saving grace

To know your will for our lives,
We but only need to ask
You long to show us what to do,
All we need is obedient hearts

© By M.S.Lowndes