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Isaiah 58:14 – “and I will cause thee to ride upon the high places of the earth…”

Cross Bearers Motorcycle Ministry, Inc. (CBMM) is a Christ-directed, interdenominational, 501-C3 nonprofit, motorcycle ministry. We believe that GOD’s direction for this ministry is to endeavor to work diligently to promote the word and the goodness of GOD within our communities and throughout the world thereby being “Messengers for Christ”.

 Our mission is:

To minister with zeal, unconditional love and integrity to those who are in need of a spiritual uplifting. Also to address through precept and example of the goodness of GOD while helping to nurture the physical, emotional and spiritual needs of those within the motorcycling community as well as non bikers.

To help create a genuine awareness within the community of the un bias reality of some of the unsubstantiated, negative stereotypes associated with bikers. We wish to help shatter the myths about bikers and to help others to better understand the ‘biker culture’. We must bring to the attention of all the many needs and opportunities there are to minister to and help save those that ride motorcycles and others. As a result of this ministry, others will be able to see for themselves that not all people that ride motorcycles are associated with evil tendencies. Also that we must all embrace our Christianity by introducing our Lord and Savior to any and all that haven’t met him, regardless of where they are found. Most importantly to spread the word of “What Must Be Done to Be Saved”.

 Our Goal:biblebasher

“To help others in need, to help direct others to Christ and to build a network of “biker-friendly” places of worship within our Community”.




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